LaTeX title

latex title

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LaTeX title page

By using LaTeX there is the possibility to create a title page automatically. To fill the title following commands are set:

The command \maketitle will create a title page. The classes report and book will create a separate page without page number for the title. The article class does not create a new page, and also the page where the title stands on is numbered. Because in opposite to book and report, article has as default setting notitlepage. Book and report have as default titlepage.


\title{A not so small \LaTeX{} Article Template\thanks{To your mother}}
\author{Your Name  \\
	Your Company / University  \\
	The Other Dude \\
	His Company / University \\

% \date{\today} date could be today 
% \date{25.12.00} or be a certain date
% \date{ } or there is no date 
% Hint: \title{what ever}, \author{who care} and \date{when ever} could stand 
% before or after the \begin{document} command 
% BUT the \maketitle command MUST come AFTER the \begin{document} command! 

title page environment

You also could use the title page environment:
\author{Sascha Frank} 
\title{title with titlepage} 
But the behave of title page environment depends on the used document class. How to get rid of counted title page:
\author{Sascha Frank} 
\title{title with titlepage} 
% additional part
  1. insert a \newpage after \end{titlepage}
  2. by using \thispagestyle{empty} the new page would be without page numbering
  3. then put a \quad on this page, because if you leave it the page would be not insert
  4. then another \newpage and setting the page counter to it new value by \setcounter{page}{1}

title page manually in article class

In the past, I wrote my papers in article, and used this for getting a title page:

\title{Thema 12: \\ 
Institutionelles Beispiel f\"ur die Ausgestaltung des Universaldienstes in einem
umfassend ge\"offneten Postmarkt}
\author{Sascha Frank} 
Not really perfect, but it work's.

title page automatically in article class

As mentioned above, article do not have an extra page for title per default. To get an extra page, you could follow the instruction above or even set the option titelpage in documentclass options.
\title{Thema 12: \\
Institutionelles Beispiel f\"ur die Ausgestaltung des Universaldienstes
in einem
umfassend ge\"offneten Postmarkt}
\author{Sascha Frank}
The command \setcounter{page}{1} is used therefor that the next page will be page number one.

beamer class title page

The two main differences between beamer and the other classes are, the command for creating a title page is \titlepage and the shortcut of title and author would be printed on each slide. Also there could be a logo included, with \logo{\includegraphics{ file name}}.


\title[shortcut title]{long title for title page only}
\author[shortcut author]{long version of author}                 
\logo{\includegraphics[options]{file name}}
To get the title page:

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