text enviroments

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text environments

Within standard LaTeX there are several simple text environments. These differ from the usual text environments in alignment, indentation and distance from the page margins. The range of application includes the representation of quotations, source code and poetry.


Within the quotation environment, the margins left and right are indented. In between the text is placed in justification. The paragraph is set with an indentation. If a blank line is inserted within the text, a new paragraph, also with indentation, is started. This is an environment that is suitable for quoting whole paragraphs directly.

This example text only serves as an example of how a text within the quotation sp;
The word "environment" is "displayed" in the text and has no purpose beyond that.
This example text only serves as an example of how a text is displayed within the Quotation environment. It has no purpose beyond that.
Note: The paragraph indentation is not suppressed by the known \setlength{\parindent}{0em} at the beginning of the document. In principle, it would be possible to avoid the indentation with command \noindent after \begin{quotation}. But this form of text representation is already made possible by the following quote environment.


The quote environment works, with one exception, like the quotation environment. The difference between both environments is that the quote environment does not make any sales indentation unlike the quotation environment.
This example text only serves as an example of how a text within the quotation sp;
The word "environment" is "displayed" in the text and has no purpose beyond that.

This example text only serves as an example of how a text is displayed within the Quotation environment. It has no purpose beyond that.

further package

The csquotes package provides a wide range of additional new possibilities in the area of quoting. See also csquotes package.


Using the verbatim or verbatim* environment it is possible to display LaTeX source code. Since the text inside the environment is unformatted. Also LaTeX commands in this environment are not executed, but displayed as text. The text is output in a typewriter font. \begin{verbatim}
Unformatted text 
which should also be output in this way

Unformatted text 
which should also be output in this way


Unformatted text 
which should also be output in this way


Unformatted text which⊔is also⊔to⊔be output⊔like this

further packages

There are several advanced packages available for these two environments. The verbatim package contains improved versions of the original environments as well as a new environment -- the comment environment. The fancyvrb package allows, among other things, changing the font and font size within the verbatim environment. In addition, there are other packages.


The verse environment was developed for the typesetting of poems.
That's not a poem!\\
It's just for show. \\
Has no other purpose!\\
Just away the dirt.

That's not a poem!
It serves only the show.
Has no other purpose!
Just get rid of the dirt.

further package

Since the verse environment allows only minimal changes in the representation, the verse package should be used for the representation of poems and the like, since it provides considerably more possibilities for changing the representation of the text.

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