standard document classes

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1 Standard classes for text documents

There are ten standard classes that should be included with every LaTeX distribution.

1.1 article

This document class is intended for work with a small number of pages, such as essays, exercise slips and small assignments, so it does not have an automatic title page. The command for chapter \chapter is not available in article document class. If you use \chapter{what ever} within article, you will receive the following error message:

! Undefined control sequence.
l.3 \chapter
            {what ever}
If no additional options are selected, the following options are automatically set for article: letterpaper, 10pt, oneside, onecolumn, final

1.2 report

The report class is suitable for texts such as seminar papers and small theses such as bachelor's and master's theses; unlike article, it has a title page. If no additional options are selected, the following report options are automatically set: letterpaper, 10pt, oneside, onecolumn, final, openany

1.3 book

The document class book is suitable for larger documents such as books. If no additional options are selected, the following options are automatically set for book: letterpaper, 10pt, twoside, onecolumn, final, openright

1.4 letter

This document class is suitable for creating letters, the American letter format is meant, the standard options are: letterpaper, 10pt, oneside, onecolumn, final

2 further standard document classes

The other existing document classes are partly obsolete (proc, slides) or refer to development (ltnews, ltxdoc, ltxguide and minimal).

2.1 ltnews

ltnews, the class for LaTeX News, default values like article but with two-column sentence and oneside. The following article class options are disabled: a4paper, a5paper, b5paper, letterpaper, legalpaper, executivepaper, landscape, twoside, titlepage and onecolumn.

2.2 ltxdoc

ltxdoc, the class for the documentation of the LaTeX program, values like the article class.

2.3 ltxguide

ltxguide, the class for LaTeX documentation, values like the article class.

2.4 proc

proc, for proceedings (conference report etc.), default values like article but with two-column record. The following article class options are not supported: a5paper, b5paper, onecolumn and titlepage.

2.5 minimal

minimal, test class to develop your own classes. Therefore only the size of a page and a default font size is defined.

2.6 slides

slides, for overhead transparencies with large sans serif letters.

3 Standard class options

article documentclass
properties default values further options
paper size letterpaper a4paper, a5paper, b5paper, legalpaper, executivepaper
page orientationportrait landscape
font size10pt 11pt, 12pt
one- or two-sided oneside twoside
graphicsfinal draft
title page- titlepage, notitlepage
no. of columnsonecolumn twocolumn
equations- leqno, fleqn
references- openbib

report documentclass
properties default values further options
paper sizeletterpaper a4paper, a5paper, b5paper, legalpaper, executivepaper
page orientationportrait landscape
font size10pt 11pt, 12pt
one- or two-sided oneside twoside
graphicsfinal draft
title pagetitlepage notitlepage
beginning of a new chapteropenany openright
no. of columnsonecolumn twocolumn
equations- leqno, fleqn
references- openbib

book documentclass
properties default values further options
paper sizeletterpaper a4paper, a5paper, b5paper, legalpaper, executivepaper
page orientationportrait landscape
font size10pt 11pt, 12pt
one- or two-sided twoside oneside
graphicsfinal draft
title pagetitlepage notitlepage
beginning of a new chapteropenright openany
no. of columnsonecolumn twocolumn
equations- leqno, fleqn
references- openbib
letter documentclass
properties default values further options
paper sizeletterpaper a4paper, a5paper, b5paper, legalpaper, executivepaper
page orientationportrait landscape
font size10pt 11pt, 12pt
one- or two-sided oneside -
graphicsfinal draft
equations- leqno, fleqn
ltnews documentclass
properties default values further options
paper size -
page orientationportrait -
font size10pt 11pt, 12pt
one- or two-sided oneside -
graphicsfinal draft
title page- -
no. of columnstwocolumn -
equations- leqno, fleqn
references- openbib
ltxdoc documentclass
properties default values further options
paper size letterpaper a4paper, a5paper, b5paper, legalpaper, executivepaper
page orientationportrait landscape
font size10pt 11pt, 12pt
one- or two-sided oneside twoside
graphicsfinal draft
title page- titlepage, notitlepage
no. of columnsonecolumn twocolumn
equations- leqno, fleqn
references- openbib
ltxguide documentclass
properties default values further options
paper size letterpaper a4paper, a5paper, b5paper, legalpaper, executivepaper
page orientationportrait landscape
font size10pt 11pt, 12pt
one- or two-sided oneside twoside
graphicsfinal draft
title page- titlepage, notitlepage
no. of columnsonecolumn twocolumn
equations- leqno, fleqn
references- openbib
proc documentclass
properties default values further options
paper size letterpaper a4paper, legalpaper, executivepaper
page orientationportrait landscape
font size10pt 11pt, 12pt
one- or two-sided oneside twoside
graphicsfinal draft
title page- -
no. of columnstwocolumn -
equations- leqno, fleqn
references- openbib
minimal documentclass
properties default values further options
paper size 8in x 6.5 in -
font size10pt -
slide documentclass
properties default values further options
paper size letterpaper a4paper, a5paper, b5paper, legalpaper, executivepaper
page orientation- portrait, landscape
font size- -
one- or two-sided - -
graphicsfinal draft
title page- titlepage, notitlepage
no. of columnsonecolumn -
equations- leqno, fleqn

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